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Worker's Compliance

Recognizing the spiritual need of boys and girls in our community and around the world, I would like to assist in the work of Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF).

I understand that CEF is without specific denominational affiliation, and have read the CEF Statement of Faith and Doctrinal Protection Policy. In becoming a coworker with CEF, and in order to protect the ministry, I agree not to propagate or practice in CEF ministries any distinctive or controversial doctrines, methods and practices that would go beyond the CEF Statement of Faith and the approved CEF curriculum. These would include but not be limited to such things as modes of baptism, alteration of the Gospel message, speaking in tongues, interpretation of Scripture by experience, healing on demand, etc. I understand that anyone who does not adhere to this agreement cannot serve with CEF as paid staff or volunteer.

In teaching Bible lessons in core CEF programs I will use exclusively materials approved by CEF.

In offering my services I trust the Lord to make me a faithful servant, and should problems arise between CEF and me that cannot be fully reconciled, I will quietly withdraw to preserve the harmony essential to having an effective Christian witness.


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